
Multi-Factor Authentication

Protecting your online accounts is more important than ever. While strong passwords are a great start, they alone may not be enough to keep your account safe from unauthorized access. That’s where Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) comes in.

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification beyond just your password. This could be a code provided by an authentication app or password manager, sent to your phone, or a fingerprint scan, among others. Even if someone manages to steal your password, they won't be able to access your account without this additional verification.

Enabling MFA is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to safeguard your personal and sensitive information. We strongly encourage you to activate MFA for your account to ensure it's protected against potential threats. Below are the steps required to enable MFA and configure your authentication app.

Before setting up MFA, ensure that you or your users have a Password manager or Authentication App that has been tested for compatibility. Authentication Apps not listed may be suitable for use, however we recommend always testing any applications to ensure compatibility.

Enable Multi-Factor Authentication from the User Profile

STEP 1: Select User Profile Menu Item

Select the User Profile option from the profile dropdown

Brillium Respondent Fields Editor screen

STEP 2: Select User Profile Menu Item

Begin MFA Setup by selecting the ellipsis icon. From the dropdown menu that appears, select Multi-Factor Authentication Setup

Select user profile menu item


Multi-factor Authentication status is indicated by an icon next to the user Profile menu title. A red shield icon indicates MFA is not currently enabled. A green shield icon indicates MFA is current enabled. Hovering a mouse cursor over the icon will display the status text.

STEP 3: Multi-Factor Authentication Setup

Select the MFA Device from the dropdown menu and select the Confirm button.

MFA Deveice selection dialog

STEP 4: Sign out

Select the Sign Out option to sign out of Brillium

Profile sign-out menu

STEP 5: Authenticator App Setup

Once MFA is enabled, the login screen will display the Authenticator App setup screen. Read the requirements and browser recommendations to ensure setup is completed properly. Select the Next button when you are ready to begin Authentication app setup.

MFA Authenticator app setup screen

STEP 6: Authenticator App Setup

Follow the instructions on the Authenticator app registration screen to register your app and generate a one-time passcode.

When a one-time passcode is generated in the Authenticator app, enter the passcode in the space provided and select the Next button to continue.

Authenticator Setup registration screen

STEP 7: Authenticator App Setup Complete

Upon successful authenticator app setup, a success confirmations screen will appear. Select the Logout button to complete the process and login using the multi-factor authentication process.

Authenticator Setup Success screen