
As of release 2023.1, the Essay question type and scoring process has been updated to include new functionality.

Improvements to the Essay Question Scoring Process

Essay questions now include new options:

  • Essay questions may be scored by using either points or by percentage score
  • Essay questions include a new Rubric area, so that the rubric for marking questions can be displayed and referenced during the Essay scoring process

Essay question scoring options

Creating an Essay Question

To create a new Essay question

  1. Add a new Question
  2. Select the Essay question type
  3. Set the Scoring Type option to "Points" or "Percentage" as desired
  4. In the Rubric field, add scoring rules for reference when the essay question is scored

Essay question type screen

Select the appropriate notification option on the Notification tab

  1. Select the desired email template for assessment notifications
  2. Select the desired option from the Enable Respondent Results Email dropdown list

Brillium Notification tab Essay options

Scoring Essay questions

  • Score essay questions by selecting the Essay item from the main menu
  • Select the Assessment from the dropdown list at the top of the Essay screen
  • Select the Actions icon to score essay questions
  • Each essay question displays the question, time used to answer the question, the answer provided, and the question rubric for scoring reference 
  • Enter the appropriate Points or Percentage (digits only)
  • Provide feedback regarding the score or scoring criteria used in the Feedback field
  • When all questions have been scored, select the Finished button and an email is sent to the test taker