
Respondent Field Custom list dropdown items can be created one at a time using the Respondent Field editor.  When adding many items to a Custom List or Subordinate List, the process can be made faster by adding list items in bulk using a comma-separated list. This saves time and effort when adding large numbers of list items.

Bulk Adding Custom List Items

When adding more many list items to a Custom List or Subordinate List Respondent Field, list items may be added to the "New List Item" text area using a comma-separated list.

For example placing the following in the New List Item text area will add all four items to a Custom List or Subordinate List:


Bulk Updating an Entire List

When updating an entire list of items within a Custom List or Subordinate List, the list items in the "New List Item" text area need to be preceded by an equals ("=") sign.

For example, placing the following in the New List Item text area will result in replacing all list items in a Custom List or Subordinate List with the following five items shown below:

="Executive","Human Resources","IT","Marketing","Sales"


Be careful when bulk updating an entire list. This action CANNOT BE UNDONE.