
When a detailed view of assessment attempts is needed, the Respondent Row/Column Analysis Report provides the most detailed data available.

This report is displayed in a spreadsheet table format. In the report, Respondent information and assessment attempt data (i.e. questions) are presented in columns and each respondent is listed as a row within the report.

This configurable report allows for a number of options, including:

  • Report Format:
    • Microsoft Excel (XLSX) format.
    • Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.
  • Data Filter Constraints:
    • Report Date Range: the completion dates for the data included in the report
    • Include Result Set: this constrains the attempts that determines the data including in the report (All Attempts, Only First Attempts, Only Most Recent Attempts).
    • Include Incomplete Results: this determines is incomplete results are to be included in the report data.
  • Report Options:
    • Sort Order: determines the order in which the report data will appear (By Name, By Completion Date, By Score)
    • Show Identifiers: when set to "Yes", Unique attempt Respondent ID's will be displayed.
    • Show Raw Data: when set to "Yes", along with displaying the selected answer choice, the raw answer choice data will be included on the report.
    • Show Correctness: when set to "Yes", will display a "0" if the selected answer was scored as Incorrect, and a "1" if the selected answer was scored as correct.
    • Show Answer & Recap Times: when set to "Yes", this option will include:
      • Answer Time - the time (in milliseconds) from when a question is displayed (after having used the Next Page button) to when an answer choice was first selected.
      • Recap Time - the time (in milliseconds) from when a question answer choice is selected to when the respondent navigates to the next question (or set of questions) using the Next Page or Previous Page buttons.
    • Show Comments: when set to "Yes", if comments are enabled for a question, the comments entered by the Respondent will be included on the report.
  • Respondent Filter:
    • The respondents that appear on the report can be limited by selecting respondent data including assessment attempt data and Respondent Field data) and the value of the data using a set of comparative operators (i.e. =, <=, =>, Like, Not Like, etc.)

Creating the Respondent Row/Column Analysis Report

  1. Select Reports from the main menu.
  2. From the Reports menu, select the Assessment from the dropdown list at the top of the screen (this sets the assessment target for any report selected in the next step)
  3. Select "Respondent Row/Column Analysis Report" from the Respondents section of the reports screen.
  4. The Respondent Row/Column Analysis Report provides a number of options.  The key values that are normally considered are:
    1.  Report Format
    2. Sort Order
    3. Report Date Range
    4.  Include Result Set
      Settings icon image
  5. If desired, the Respondents (i.e. Students, Learners, etc.) can be filtered to only include those that meet the criteria defined in the Respondent Filter section
  6. Once all desired options are selected, select the Run button to produce the report.

Interpreting the Report Data

The information that can provide insights for both Assessment author/administrators and students can . These include:

For Authors/Administrators:

  • Spreadsheet (XSLX or CSV) data can be imported into Business Intelligence tools, such as Microsoft Power BI, Tabelau, for external or comparative analysis.
  • When cheating or pre-knowledge of the assessment questions or answers is a concern, anomalies can be seen in the Answer Time and Recap time.
  • When exporting or externally archiving data, this report provides a wealth of detail that can corroborate what appears in statically archived report formats (such as PDF)

For Respondents:

  • When a respondent has multiple attempts for the same assessment, the columnar data layout presents attempt result detail in an organized comparative view.
  • Where standard score or detailed respondent result reports are insufficient, the Respondent Row/Column Analysis Report can provide deeper insights into the activity associated with a assessment attempt.
  • When exporting or externally archiving data, this report provides a wealth of detail that can corroborate what appears in statically archived report formats (such as PDF) provided to Respondents in Email or via the Certificate functionality.
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