
Each Workspace manages several settings that are globally applied to all assessments within that Workspace.  This includes: 

  • Respondent Fields
  • Assessment UI
  • Default Settings
  • Time Zone settings
  • Privacy Policy link

This article presents the steps to change the Time Zone and Privacy policy link associated with a Workspace

Change the Workspace Time Zone and Privacy Policy Link

You access the Time Zone and Privacy Policy settings through the "Workspaces" menu option. 
  1. Select the Gear icon
  2. Select Workspaces from the menu that appears
  3. Right-click the workspace you wish to modify the settings (the current Workspace is highlighted with bold characters)
  4. Select "Settings" from the menu that appears.
  5. Select the desired Time Zone and enter the appropriate Privacy Policy link in the spaces provided. 


The privacy policy link must be a complete URL (i.e.