Applications in this release:
- Brillium Administration 1.3.0
- Brillium Assessment Builder 11.3.0
Brillium Administration
- Editable user suspension message text
- Improved Password Reset notification
- Enhanced password reset notification email/domain
- Improved the change password functionality
- Session timeout is now configurable per customer organization
- Performance improvements for dropdown lists
- Over 140 updates, enhancements, and bug fixes
- Admin Role privilege enhancements
- Third-party identity enhancements
- Admin Workspace synchronization message improvements
Brillium Assessment Builder
- Assessment List sorting/secondary sorting
- Assessment List sorting / secondary sorting
- Automatic assessment deletion in Trash after 30 days
- Compression and mandatory encryption of exported assessments
- Support for Vidyard and Wistia video embed
- Assessment Trash UI and deletion countdown improvements
- UI adjustments for auto deletion of assessments
- Default font enhancements
- Grouping/sorting settings may not be saved
- Some users may be logged out from Assessments after 1 hour
- Some percentages values not rounded on the Question Detail correct/incorrect answers chart
- Inconsistent font in some RTE controls
- Question Save button minor workflow enhancements
- Delete Complete/Incomplete Results functionality includes result filters and Reference Id
- Change Workspace minor workflow enhancements
- Assessments Listing Export report improvements to accommodate assessment Trash status
- Respondent Field improvements to enforce Unique Identifier requirements