Applications in this release:
- Brillium Administration 1.1
- Brillium Assessment Builder 11.1.0
- Brillium Partner Central 1.0
Brillium Administration
- Added a 'Reference ID' field for teams to allow for external customer data relationships
- Team management functionality added
- Improved Password Reset notification
- Enhanced password reset notification email/domain
- Improved the change password functionality
- Session timeout is now configurable per customer organization
- Performance improvements for dropdown lists
- Over 140 updates, enhancements, and bug fixes
Brillium Partner Central
This is the initial release and includes several changes from the private beta.
- Partner-customized 'from' field of emails to new users
- Partner-customized subject and body of emails to new users
- Change the behavior of Team Roles to static Team privileldge
- Modify the behavior of Team assignment 'Assign a Role to Users/Teams'
- Remove Roles/Privileges from Grant Access records to mitigate the possibility of privilege escalation
- Change the behavior of Access Area in Partner Central tabs UI
- Administrators can grant access to the Assessments tab at the record level (Users/Teams)
- Improved Database migration process
Brillium Assessment Builder
- Added “Go Back” button for select pages to improve navigation
- Improved Custom Report capabilities for existing customers with custom reports
- Performance enhancements for Assessments area
- Email Template enhancements
- 60+ updates, enhancements, and bugs fixed in this release